The secret science of cycling fitness, by a Tour de France pro

From fasted training to HIIT workouts, Australian pro cyclist Adam Hansen – an eight-time Tour de France veteran with a passion for performance science – discusses the best training techniques to help amateur riders improve their fitness and stamina
If you compare an amateur cyclist to a professional, the biggest difference is their relative percentage of fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscle fibres.
Even within the pro peloton the sprinters have more fast-twitch muscle fibres – which produce explosive power – than the climbers. And the climbers have more slow-twitch muscle fibres – which are better for stamina – than the sprinters.
But if you compare a pro sprinter and an amateur sprinter, or a pro climber and an amateur climber, the amateur will actually have a higher percentage of fast-twitch muscle fibres than a Tour de France pro. That’s because pros have done so much endurance training over the years that their physiology has changed, leaving them with a higher ratio of slow-twitch muscle fibres. They’re a completely different animal.
It’s worth remembering that physiological difference because it changes how amateurs should think about their training. Given that amateur riders have a higher percentage of fast-twitch muscle fibres, they’re actually better suited to doing high-intensity interval training. Short, hard efforts are the best way for amateurs to boost their cardiovascular fitness, improve their V02 max and enhance their stamina because you’re working in the best way for your body. In fact, interval training is actually a lot more effective – in terms of making quick fitness gains – for amateur riders than it is for the pros.
If I coached an amateur, I would always start by getting them to do more intervals as that’s how they’ll achieve their biggest gains in fitness. Then a few years down the line, as the volume of training starts to convert your ratio of fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscles fibres, you can look at doing more endurance rides to match the changes in your body.
At the end of the Tour de France each year I would often take part in some criterium races, doing hour-long races against some pretty fit amateurs. A lot of them could keep up for an hour because their cardiovascular fitness was good.
But the difference between even a fit amateur and a pro rider is in our fat metabolism for energy. Over a long 5-6 hour race we can race harder for longer.
If you compare an amateur and a pro during a race, we are both running on glucose for energy. But through the right kind of training we have conditioned our bodies to increase our fat metabolism to access more energy. You can only store so much glycogen in your blood, liver and muscles. And you can only take in so many carbs per hour through food. However, your body has pretty much an endless supply of fat for energy. So by training in a certain way to improve your fat metabolism, you can access that fat for energy in the first part of the race, instead of using all the glycogen in your body. By the time you reach the final part of the race, you still have your store of carbs to tap into for a stronger finish.
The best way to condition your body to burn fat for fuel is to introduce some fasted training. Doing low-intensity rides without eating breakfast beforehand encourages your body to tap into its fat stores for energy. You need to keep it at a low intensity to burn as much fat as possible. If you push too hard, your body will start burning glycogen instead which defeats the point.
You also need to be strict about not eating during the ride. As soon as you take on any carbs, your body will access those instead, so you’re destroying the goal of the session. Pro cyclists have been doing this training for a while now and it’s definitely something amateurs should look into.
At the start of every season I start my training with a few blocks of long and easy rides – usually three long rides followed by one rest day. Sometimes I ride for three hours. Sometimes it’s five. But nothing is written down. The only thing I am conscious of is not training too hard, in order to make sure I stay at the right fat-burning metabolism. People don’t realise this but if you do more than 15 seconds near your threshold (the maximum effort you can sustain for an hour) you actually tag back your fat metabolism and it takes 20 minutes to get your body back into its fat-burning zone. That’s fine if you’re doing intervals to boost your fitness, but not if you’re looking to improve your fat-burning metabolism. So at the start of the season it’s good to keep your heart rate and yours watts nice and low.
As my fitness improves, I change to a different three-day block with speed work on the first day, strength work on the second day, and a longer ride on the third day. I do it in that order because I want to be nice and fresh for the speed day. A speed day might be lots of intervals at a high cadence or max power efforts. A strength day might be riding up a hill in a big gear with a cadence of 50rpm for 10 minutes. And the third day is usually just a long ride. The fourth day is when I rest.
Amateurs won’t have the time to match that but so long as you’re ticking off those three types of session somehow you’re going to make progress.
To improve your functional threshold power (FTP) you can try the ‘pull up’ method or the ‘push up’ method. The ‘pull up’ method involves doing intervals just above your threshold pace. It’s very effective but the problem is it is very high intensity and very hard on your body so you should only do smaller amounts. The ‘push up’ method is when you train just below your threshold but for a longer duration to help push up your fitness levels. It’s easier to do but obviously takes more time.
Your best option is to do a mix of both. I tend to start out with more ‘push up’ efforts and then switch to ‘pull up’ efforts as my fitness improves.
My biggest advice, though, is just to make sure you get the maximum out of every session. So if it’s a speed session, rest up before so you can go at your max. If it’s a long ride, slip into a comfortable zone and stick to it. Don’t throw in junk miles on your speed day and don’t start killing yourself with hill sprints on your endurance rides. You’re just degrading the quality of that session.
That’s why I don’t like riding on rest days. By the time you’ve got dressed beforehand, stopped at a coffee shop, and showered at home, you’ve lost three hours and it’s no longer a rest day. Better to forget about the bike and do something different so you’re feeling fresh and ready to go next time you get on your bike.
Adam Hansen was speaking to Mark Bailey
The 2019 Tour de France marks the 100th anniversary of the famous yellow jersey. For more information on the race, and to download the official app, visit www.letour.fr/en. For more scientific insights from Adam Hansen follow him on Twitter and YouTube