Six ways to undo the damage of a sleepless night
One bad night's sleep can start a cycle of insomnia – here’s how to perk yourself up without reaching for a coffee

If you are one of the 16 million UK adults who suffers from insomnia, you will be familiar with the short-term effects of a poor night’s sleep: grogginess, irritability and difficulty concentrating. But these pale in comparison to the long-term health risks: poor sleep is linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and a weakened immune system, among other serious health issues.
In one study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, people who sleep less than six hours a night were found to be 52 per cent more likely to die of heart disease. Another study published in the journal Nature Communications found that a lack of sleep in midlife increases dementia risk. Research has also shown that the shorter the sleep duration, the greater the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. That’s more than enough to keep you up at night.
The good news is there are simple lifestyle changes that can negate or even undo the negative health impacts. If you’re tired of tossing and turning, here are six research-backed ways to undo the damage wrought by poor sleep.
Do some exercise the morning after
It may feel like the last thing you want to do, but exercising after a sleepless night can help combat insomnia and negate the long-term health risks associated with poor sleep.
An observational study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology has found that two and a half hours of exercise per week is enough to wipe out the elevated heart disease risk caused by chronic sleeplessness. The research was based on UK Biobank data from 92,221 adults and showed that increased moderate or vigorous physical activity mitigated the mortality risks associated with short sleep duration.

Exercise can also help set your body up for better sleep the following night: at least 29 scientific studies have found that regular exercise improves sleep. “There is quite good evidence that a range of different types of exercise can improve sleep quality and increase the proportion of deep sleep,” says Professor Guy Leschziner, a neurologist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals in London, where he leads the sleep disorders centre. “The light exposure during the day will help you feel more alert as well, which is the other benefit of going outside and doing a bit of exercise.”
To reap the maximum benefits, exercise outdoors in the morning; exposure to light soon after you wake up will help you feel more alert and reset your circadian rhythm to help you fall asleep more easily that night. It doesn’t have to be a long run – a brisk walk, gentle cycle or pushing a lawnmower all count as moderate exercise.
You might be tired but don’t nap
Tempting as it may be, resisting the urge to power nap can be a valuable tool in tackling insomnia. “You want to try and maximise the pressure that your brain is under in order to go into a deep sleep at the appropriate time,” says Leschziner. “If you have daytime naps, you may actually lessen what’s termed ‘sleep pressure’ when you’re going to bed at night and make a bad night’s sleep more likely.”
Experts have long advised that keeping a consistent sleep routine benefits your internal body clock so, as much as possible, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day (even at weekends).
Put your eating routine back on track the next day
Leschziner warns that there is plenty of dubious advice about sleep and diet circulating online, much of which isn’t based on solid evidence. But he does suggest “avoiding large meals, especially with lots of carbohydrates, late at night; this can give rise to some changes in blood glucose levels overnight and can cause indigestion, reflux and bloating as you’re trying to get off to sleep”.
Dr Guy Meadows, founder and clinical director of the Sleep School says that he follows a “16:8” time-restricted eating pattern to get a good night’s rest. “I will generally have breakfast around 10am and dinner before 6pm,” he said. “If you eat later in the evening the digestive system is still in full flow when the sleep system is trying to kick in, which could affect your sleep.”
Avoid sugary carbs even though you might feel like them
After a poor night’s sleep, starchy, sugary foods are harder to resist. But a diet high in refined carbohydrates and sugar will damage sleep quality further, according to research from Columbia University. This could be because a sharp rise or fall in blood sugar levels can mean sleep is interrupted by the production of stress hormones such adrenaline and cortisol.

To promote better sleep a healthy, fibre-filled diet is key. A 2016 study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found that an increased fibre intake meant more time spent in deep, slow-wave sleep. However, don’t shy away from carbohydrates entirely; another study found a diet that’s high in carbohydrates helps you drift off faster than a diet that’s high-protein and low-carb. Just steer clear of cakes and biscuits and opt for whole grains, like brown rice or oats, to get the sleep-inducing benefits without the blood sugar spike.
Don’t be tempted to drink coffee to perk yourself up
This may seem like hackneyed advice, but two of the most effective lifestyle interventions you can make for better sleep are watching your caffeine and alcohol intake. “Alcohol will worsen the quality of your sleep; although many people say alcohol helps you get to sleep, it actually destroys the quality,” says Leschziner. Alcohol interrupts the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep, so even though it has an initial sedative effect, you wake up feeling less rested.
It may be tempting to load up on coffee after a restless night, but be sure to switch to non-caffeinated alternatives after lunch. According to one study from the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, even a moderate dose of caffeine six hours before bed can have a significant impact on sleep quality.
Break the worry cycle
The cruel paradox of insomnia is that worrying about sleep makes you less likely to get it. “Many people with insomnia are already wracked with anxiety about the long-term health implications,” says Leschziner. “If you’ve got chronic disrupted or poor-quality sleep, do something about it, but don’t obsess that it will send you to an early grave.”
To break the cycle of worry, remind yourself that a few bad nights won't have a ruinous impact. “The human brain and body can adapt to all sorts of changes; one night’s poor sleep, or even a short period of very disrupted sleep, is not going to fundamentally have major long-term effects,” says Leschziner. “Obsessing about sleep is potentially going to make insomnia worse.”
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