Have you ever taken a mental health sick day?
Judging by new data, your answer to that question is more likely than ever to be yes. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has revealed that 17.5 million sick days were taken last year by workers who cited mental health conditions. That represents an increase from previous years, with the share of men’s overall sick days for mental health reasons rising from 5.7 per cent in 2017 to 8.5 per cent, while among women it rose from 8.1 to 8.8 per cent.
The ONS numbers suggest that workers are beginning to realise the importance of dealing with mental health issues. However, there remains a stigma around mental health: those statistics still represent a small proportion of overall sick days taken. So, how do you know when you need time off, and what’s the best way to ask?
“We all have mental health just as we all have physical health,” says Madeleine McGivern, Head of Workplace Wellbeing Programmes at Mind, “and it can fluctuate. Things like long working hours, excessive workload, and poor relationships with colleagues can all lead to unmanageable stress, which in turn can worsen or cause a mental health problem.”
McGivern indicates that the key to dealing with mental health issues is to keep an open dialogue with your line manager. If things are getting on top of you, explain that you are starting to feel unwell, just as you would if you were coming down with the flu. In fact, says McGivern, you needn’t look at them as different things: “Creating a distinct category such as ‘mental health sick days’ could undermine the severity and impact a mental health problem can have on someone’s day-to-day activities and creates an artificial separation between mental and physical health.”
As with the flu, it can be a battle to get to work when you’re struggling with your mental health, so treat it exactly the same. If you cannot get to work then you have to take time off. Employers also need to understand that without strong mental health among the workforce, productivity declines.
But what about that all-important conversation, when you ask for time off?
“That conversation needs to be face-to-face,” says Corine Mills, managing director at Personal Career Management.
Sarah Rozenthuler, psychologist and author of Life-Changing Conversations, agrees: “You might email your boss in advance to say that you’d like a few minutes to discuss an important matter in private”. Set some context, explaining the issues at work that are causing you stress or mental health issues, whether that be bullying or heavy workload. Don’t go into too much detail though, keep it ambiguous, and leave the specifics for when you are face-to-face. “Be unemotional and factual - don’t play the ‘poor me’ card,” says Rozenthuler.
It’s also wise to choose your moment carefully – so, not when you or your boss are at a busy time of day, or tired. You don’t want an uncomfortable outpouring.
Let your boss know how serious this issue is to you, don’t play it down, and remember your mental health is just as important as your physical. “Have an escape route if the conversation starts to derail,” advises Rozenthuler, “You might say, ‘I can see that now isn’t the ideal time to discuss this - can we agree to talk later?”.
But, what do you do if your manager is unsupportive? “If your manager doesn’t value your mental health than you have to assess whether that job is tenable,” says Mills. “If you love that job and you don’t want to leave then you have to build other support mechanisms outside of work. But, if your manager being unsupportive is causing you additional stress then I recommend looking for another role in the company or elsewhere.”
So, you’ve had that conversation with your manager, everything is positive and you have taken a few days off which have helped in your recovery. What do you do when you return to work?
“Think about a phased return. Start on a Thursday rather than a Monday to break you in gently,” says Rozenthuler. Make sure you set some boundaries when you return - you don’t want the old issues rearing their head again. “If for the sake of your health you need to leave the office at 6pm,” suggests Rozenthuler, “ask a friend to check that you do so. If taking a short walk at lunchtime would make a real difference to your day, allocate time in your diary. Make your own health and well-being a priority.”
Research published by the Mental Health Foundation found that of those surveyed 65 percent had said they had experienced some form of mental health problem. “What you don’t always realise is that statistics show that the majority of people have gone through issues similar to yours,” says Mills. “Your manager will have had their own issues.”
If you do need a sick day to look after your mental health, just remember, you are not alone.