What causes depression? It's a simple question – but the truth is that we don't really know the answer. Treatment tends to be of the hit-and-hope variety. You may get medication to chemically tweak your serotonin, but in some cases this can make things worse rather than better. You may be offered psychotherapy – but what if talking is not what you need?
According to a leading professor of psychiatry, there could be a simple, physical cause that plays a major role in mental health issues and can transform the way we treat depression: inflammation.
Edward Bullmore from the University of Cambridge told my podcast that if we abandoned the one-size-fits-all approach to depression and did blood tests on patients, we would have a better idea of the cause and the ability to target treatments. Because the fact is that at the moment we are not getting much of a grip on the illness. Global levels of depression continue to rise, to the point that depression is the biggest single cause of disability worldwide, according to the World Health Organisation.
“Depression is incredibly common,” Prof Bullmore said. “Is it plausible that something that affects so many has the same cause in each of us? I don’t think that’s particularly likely. There may be some people with depression where inflammation is an important cause, driving their symptoms, and that could open the door to a rather different treatment, rather than the current one-size-fits-all approach where you go to see your doctor and they prescribe SSRIs or psychotherapy.
“If we had a slightly more personalised, bespoke approach where you do a blood test [to see] if there is any evidence for inflammation, could that be contributing to your symptoms? If so that opens up a new treatment with an anti-inflammatory drug or some other anti-inflammatory intervention that might work as a new kind of anti-depressant.”
In his book The Inflamed Mind, out in paperback in January, Prof Bullmore examines the role of inflammation in the body and the extent to which it could be factor in depression. We are all familiar with the redness and swelling you get in your throat, or when a cut gets infected. But inflammation happens throughout the body, and is the immune system’s way of cordoning off an area, throwing little inflammatory protein cells called cytokines to shut down infection.
This is all part of the body functioning normally. The problem comes when inflammation becomes chronic, such as in the case of psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis, when a patient suffers ongoing inflammation that they would much rather live without.
Prof Bullmore's lightbulb moment came in the late 1980s, while treating a patient for severe rheumatoid arthritis. The patient's joints had swollen painfully, and Prof Bullmore noted that she also appeared to be suffering symptoms of depression. When he reported this to a senior colleague, the consultant replied: “Depressed… well you would be, wouldn’t you?”
It was a very natural response, that you suffer emotional anguish in response to physical suffering. And the degree to which physical pain causes distress should not be underestimated. But Prof Bullmore saw something else. Could the inflammatory response that caused the joints to swell also be inflaming the brain and causing depressive symptoms directly, without the need for the emotions to be involved?
At the time suggesting such a thing went against all prevailing medical wisdom. Lingering medical orthodoxy held that the brain was not subject to the same inflammatory responses as the rest of the body. The idea that the brain operates under different rules from the body goes all the way back to Rene Descartes, who bestowed the mind with Godly qualities that went beyond the earthly body. All very well for 17th century spiritualising, but difficult to reconcile with modern medical knowledge. While we still have a great deal to learn about the brain, it does not – as far as anyone can tell – exist in an other-worldly realm.
The hangover from this thinking has left us with what Prof Bullmore calls a “kind of medical apartheid”. If you have physical symptoms along with symptoms of depression, your mind and body with be treated separately, by different hospital departments, whereas they may be different manifestations of the same condition.
“The body is an entirely integrated system,” he said. “But we are talking really about the relationship between the body and the mind. The mind has existed in a separate domain since Descartes, and that idea is still very obvious in how medicine is organised, how doctors are trained.
"There is a split in western medicine between how we deal with symptoms of the mind and symptoms of the body and I think that is often to the disadvantage of the many patients who have both physical and mental symptoms.”
Prof Bullmore is involved in research with GlaxoSmithKline to explore the potential for new anti-inflammatory treatments for depression. He is not suggesting that this could be a panacea, but is hopeful it could become a very important new weapon in the fight against depression, in which, as he points out, there have been “no major advances for several decades”.
If inflammation does turn out to be a major cause of depression, treating it is not necessarily simple. Because what is causing the inflammation is an equally difficult question as to what is causing the depression. Inflammation has become one of those hot health topics over the last few years, though, and there is no shortage of foods, supplements and treatments describing themselves as anti-inflammatory.
But while Prof Bullmore raises a scientist’s sceptical eyebrow at the extent of the anti-inflammatory claims of the health-food industry, he points out that bad diet, stress, and lack of sleep are all known to trigger the immune system into an inflammatory response, while eating well, exercising and people not treating you badly has a calming effect on the immune system.
Professor Bullmore’s research is putting scientific rigour behind an idea that sounds like old-fashioned good sense: if your body is healthy, your mind will be too.