The best exercises to do for a good night’s sleep

If the quality of your sleep has been getting worse, you should consider buying some weights...

best exercises good night’s sleep help how to sleep better night 2022
Resistance training could be the way to go Credit: RyanJLane

A 2022 study presented at the American Heart Association’s health conference has revealed that not only is strength and resistance training more effective than cardio or aerobic exercise in promoting a better night’s sleep, but it can also get you to sleep more quickly too.

The research, led by Angelique Brellenthin, assistant professor of kinesiology at Iowa State University, took 386 adults, split them into four groups and assigned them randomly to a 12-month course of exercise. One group was given solely resistance training to do, another had to do purely aerobic exercises while a third was given a combination of the two. A fourth group had no exercise to do. 

A year later, those in the resistance group were getting an average of 40 minutes of additional sleep compared to at the start of the research while those in the aerobic group were getting just 23 extra minutes. The combined group, meanwhile, achieved just 17 minutes more. While sleep quality and sleep disturbance improved in all groups, sleep latency – that is the time it takes a person to fall asleep – only improved in those that were engaging in resistance training, declining by three minutes. “While both aerobic and resistance exercise are important for overall health, our results suggest that resistance exercises may be superior when it comes to getting better sleep at night,” says Brellenthin. “Resistance exercise significantly improved sleep duration and sleep efficiency, which are critical indicators of sleep quality that reflects how well a person falls asleep and stays asleep throughout the night.”

Rarely has people’s sleep been so disturbed as it has in the last two years. A study published in the journal Sleep Medicine in January 2021 revealed that during the peak of the Covid pandemic the number of people suffering from clinical insomnia (that is where sleeplessness occurs for three nights a week for a period of three months or more) had risen by 37 per cent with prescriptions for sleep medications also rising by 14 per cent. It’s now estimated that 30-35 per cent of people will suffer from insomnia at some point in their adult lives.

Another study, this time by King’s College London and Ipsos Mori from 2020, found that 63 per cent of people believed the quality and quantity of their sleep had worsened since the pandemic began. 

So if the quality of your sleep has become noticeably worse recently, you might want to introduce a few resistance exercise training sessions into your regular routine. Not only will it be good for your bone and muscle health but you will notice the difference when it comes to nodding off at night.

Dr Verena Senn is a neurobiologist and sleep expert at Emma Sleep. “Getting the right amount and quality of sleep is an incredibly important part of staying active,” she says. “Studies have demonstrated that elite athletes need even more sleep than non-athletes to fully recover from physical exertion and regular exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle will greatly improve your sleep.”

It certainly rings true in my experience. A couple of years ago, when I was tired and tubby, I embarked on a 12-week personal training programme at my local gym and it was a revelation. As well as losing weight, toning up and discovering that I actually had a jawline, I also found that I had more energy during the day and, crucially, I was sleeping better than I had in years. 

And the best bit? There was no cardio work involved whatsoever.

But why? Well, it’s thought the physical repair the body needs after weight training requires deeper sleep so that the body can recuperate fully after the damage caused during the day, as Dr Senn explains. “Increased levels of exercise can often require more sleep as your body needs additional time to rest and recover as it is in the deeper stages that growth hormones are released, helping to repair muscle strength and burn fat,” she says.

Exercise, more generally, is also known as one of the most effective ways to reduce stress which, along with anxiety and depression, is one of the main causes of poor sleep. From micro-stresses to the cost of living crisis and the war in Ukraine, modern life can promote higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol which, in turn, suppresses melatonin, throwing your body clock into disarray, as Kate Mikhail, author of Teach Yourself To Sleep; An Ex-insomniac’s Guide, explains. “The more we move around during the day, the greater the build-up of the chemical adenosine, an inhibitory neurotransmitter that ensures our sleep pressure gathers momentum and that we feel tired and sleepy towards the end of the day,” she says.

While getting sufficient exercise is essential for everybody’s physical and mental health, you should still consider the time of day that you’re taking it – especially if you want to improve the quality of your sleep. Physical exertion will raise the body’s core temperature and that is the polar opposite of what your body needs when it’s preparing to sleep, as Dr Senn explains. “Try not to exercise before bed as it’s a real no-go,” she says. “You really need to give your body plenty of time to cool down before bed, so try and exercise in the morning up to the mid-afternoon.”

Think about where you’re doing your exercise too. If you can, do it outside as the combination of daylight and exercise will help boost your endorphins and serotonin as well sending the right messages to the brain when it’s darker and it’s time to get ready for sleep. 

The best resistance exercises to help you sleep better

Want a better night’s sleep? Dump the run and try one or more of personal trainer Matt Hirst’s resistance exercises instead…

A personal trainer at POWfitness, Matt Hirst believes that strengthening the muscles helps to protect the body’s joints by relieving pressure on your tendons and ligaments. “Strength training also leads to better sleep at night as you can get a lot of bang for your buck by working multiple muscles in one go, tiring the body in the process and leaving you needing to fully recover.”

1. The deadlift 3UwO0fKukRw

Lift a loaded barbell or bar off the ground to the level of the hips, your torso perpendicular to the floor. 

“In my opinion, this is the best strength exercise as it works all the posture muscles at the back of the body – hamstrings, glutes, lower and upper back and so on,” says Hirst.

2. The clean and press MsOSMJ33CNA

This involves coming down into a squat and then lifting a bar or dumbbells over your head. “Compound movements like this are my recommendation to aid sleep as you work multiple muscles as opposed to single-joint movements like a bicep curl,” says Hirst.

3. The press-up SOnxS6Bwarg

The humble press-up requires no equipment and minimal space and works the chest, arms and core, using your own body weight. 

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