As the Cop26 climate change conference rumbles on in Glasgow, we’re hearing plenty from world leaders all about the toxins, chemicals and allergens we’re all breathing in. While there’s no denying the import of such conversations, there’s a quieter conversation to be had about the subject: not what we’re breathing, but how.
At the start of 2021, the Global Wellness Summit declared breathing to be a trend of 2021. Yep, seriously.
It might sound ridiculous but a renewed focus on how we breathe might not be such a bad thing according to Dr Aimee Brame, a consultant physician at London Bridge Hospital who specialises in respiratory medicine.
“A lot of the people I see at the moment have a dysfunctional breathing disorder,” she explains. “It’s not a problem they have with the lungs or anything else; for various different reasons, people just breathe ineffectively.”
Brame suspects that a lot of problems in our breathing have been unintended consequences of a certain respiratory illness that you may have heard about over the past year or so. And not necessarily just among those who caught the virus.
“Firstly, stress and anxiety levels in the population have been generally higher,” says Brame. “But beyond that, people have spent time working in environments which are not suitable: kitchens, sofas, beds. They’ve ended up getting musculoskeletal problems because they’re sitting in bad positions for breathing. What happens then is that you start to use all these unusual methods to try to maintain a comfortable breathing pattern, then your muscles learn to continue to do that.
“The trouble is that these muscles aren’t supposed to do it so they get tired, and towards the end of the day when those muscles start to fatigue you’ll get that sense of breathlessness because you’ve been over-relying on the wrong muscles to help you.”
This is where concepts like wellness and mindfulness, which help you to refocus on breathing with your diaphragm or breathing more slowly can be helpful.
Dr Danny Penman, author of The Art Of Breathing (HarperCollins), learned exactly how much the power of proper breathing is worth after a devastating paraglider crash in 2005.
“I was lying there, completely broken on the hillside, in the most unimaginable pain and I remembered a form of meditation I’d learned when I was in school: a simple breathing exercise. I’d heard that meditation could be used for pain control and, in desperation, I gave it a try and it worked. It felt as if the pain was separate from me. It was sufficient for me to keep things together while I phoned for the ambulance and to keep me going while I waited.”
In the wake of his accident, Penman became fascinated by the power of breathing and began researching how mindfulness and breath control can be used to treat stress, anxiety and depression.
“The trouble with stress is that it feeds on itself,” he explains. “If you tense up, that restricts your breathing. That might be really quite subtle, and you won’t notice it unless you focus on it. But it makes breathing itself very slightly more difficult so the oxygen levels in your blood will decline very slightly, but what happens is that your body interprets the slight drop in oxygen and the still increasing carbon dioxide as stressful and it becomes a vicious circle making you more and more stressed.”
In short, developing a bad posture from homeworking over the past 18 months may have led to inefficient breathing, causing stress, which makes your breathing even worse, creating more stress. And when your body associates the habit of breathing inefficiently with stress, you’re more likely to fall back into those bad habits when you get stressed, which only compounds the problem.
Jack Rear, 27, and his partner, Patrick Beswick, 26
Like many millennials, we live in a small one-bed flat, which didn’t have space for an office or desk during the pandemic – so we were alternating between sitting on the sofa or in bed to work.
I had never really stopped to think about my breathing before, but after hearing from the experts I started noticing how tense my chest was and how little I used my diaphragm. But the more worrying comment came from my partner Patrick.
“You know what no one tells you about stress? How exhausting it is. I don’t know what happens to my body when I’m stressed but I just feel worn out,” he told me one day.
That was when I decided enough was enough. One morning we set a timer to go off every hour. Once it did, we sat on the sofa, closed our eyes, and did a few minutes of breathing. There is no doubt in my mind that it works.
I was getting back to my work feeling refreshed, calm and focused. Both of us found ourselves more productive and better able to handle what previously felt like overwhelming situations. Patrick tells me he feels a lot more relaxed when giving presentations, which had previously been something he felt quite anxious about.
Although we started the experiment a few months ago we have both continued the practice when we’re feeling stressed and have both found that breathing better helps make us more comfortable. We’re also happier and more energised. Alright, so it still feels a bit silly but my posture is better, I’m less stressed – and unlike some of my colleagues, I don’t feel as if the pandemic has aged me.
Anna Tyzack, 40, and her son, Hector, 9
There is nothing meditative or calming about trying to get three young boys to sit still and tune into their breath. But after reading Dr Danny Penman’s book I want at least to try.
By the time I’ve corralled them on the lawn to listen to a Frantic World breathing meditation on the speaker, my pulse is racing with irritation. Yet after a few stern glares the boys stop fidgeting and start to listen, and my shoulders drop. I even hear birdsong, which I haven’t done all morning.
When the 10-minute session is finished, we stretch and yawn, and the boys tell me that it wasn’t as boring as they thought it would be. “I started thinking about lunch and the book I’m reading and then I went back to my breath and now I want to sleep,” Hector remarks.
His brother, Alfred, seven, says he finds it relaxing, too, although afterwards he felt like going to bed, while the smallest, Horatio, five, wants to curl up on my knee for a cuddle, in contrast to how raucous he was just a few minutes ago.
The 10 minutes of breathing shows me how exhausted I am, too. Juggling the upheaval of a building project, a teething baby with the many demands of motherhood with full time work means that there is not much time just to stop and do nothing. Ever. And yet when I do, it’s so restorative, and it’s the same for the children.
I’ve since tried breathwork with each boy individually, too, with varying degrees of success. But what we’ve all realised is that deep breathing is a skill that can be learnt. The boys have begun to see the benefits of breathing with their tummies when they’re feeling angry or upset. I’ve found a few minutes of deep breathing dispels a tension headache and calms irrational child-related frustration.
But I have found that mindful breathing helps me most at night, when no matter how tired, I find my mind flicks into overdrive. Tuning in to the rise and fall of my breath, rather than anxieties over school drop-offs and deadlines helps to send me off to sleep. It’s as if I’ve found a snooze button.
How to breathe better
- Fix your posture. “Tell yourself to sit up, with your shoulders back,” says Brame. “Don’t sit hunched over; sitting effectively allows your diaphragm to function properly – you need some space to be able to do that.”
- Use your diaphragm. The key to good breathing is to breathe deeply through your diaphragm rather than through your chest. To see how you’re meant to breathe with your diaphragm, lie on your back, place a hand on your stomach and breathe in and out, feeling your hand go up and down.
- Practice frequently. “Stop every hour or two and reconnect with yourself. Focus on your breathing for a few moments, taking a few deep breaths and closing your eyes, gaining a sense of your surroundings,” says Penman. “That can be an amazing settler.”
- Try the counting method. “Close your eyes, breathe in to the count of five in your mind, breathe out to the count of seven,” suggests Penman. “Do that two or three times and you’ll release a lot of the pent-up tension.”
- Try some meditation. It doesn’t have to be complicated, says Penman. “Just spend a few minutes with your eyes closed and focus on the way the air flows into your lungs. Relax into the flow of breathing.”