As a parent I am constantly torn between rational and emotional decisions about my children’s wellbeing. This was brought into sharp focus recently when the meningitis B vaccine was introduced between the births of my two sons, Byron, three, and Ivor, seven months.
Ivor was born after July 1, 2015 so he was eligible for the new Bexsero vaccine, which protects against potentially fatal meningococcal disease. By May 2017 all children under two will have been offered immunisation on the NHS in what David Cameron has heralded as a “world first”. But Byron, who is still at risk of the disease, will not be one of these. Incidents of meningitis B peak in those under five months old, with the second highest rate found in children under fives, followed by those under primary school age, according to Dr George Kassianos, immunisation spokesperson for the Royal College of GPs. Like the 800,000 people who signed a petition urging the government to roll out the vaccine to all children, I am concerned that my infant is protected while my toddler is not.
Last month, MPs on the Health and Petitions Committee heard evidence from medical experts and campaigners about the devastating impact of the disease on families. The Department of Health, taking advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccines and Immunisation (JCVI), previously argued that a wide-scale immunisation programme to include children over one would not be cost-effective. But at the JCVI’s request the Government is now reviewing the decision and will report its findings in June.
To parents the words ‘cost-effective’ are meaningless because it is impossible for us to put a price on our children’s heads. Some of my friends have decided to have their older children vaccinated for meningitis B privately, at a cost of around £250, and it is something I have been considering myself.
Pre-motherhood I was an unemotional, rational person who did not suffer fools and certainly, there’s plenty of tough love in our household when it comes to bumps, scrapes, meal times and bed times. But I am now an emotional wreck when a child’s life is in jeopardy, whether it be fact or fiction. Just the other week I found myself panicky and crying during a child kidnap scene on BBC drama The Night Manager. So the heart-wrenching hospital photos of two-year-old Faye Burdett, who died from meningitis B on Valentine’s Day, were almost enough to make me forget that contracting and dying from the disease is extremely rare. In 2011-12 there were around 600 cases in England and Wales, with 33 deaths.
When I hear about any of these deaths my immediate emotional response is to protect my eldest son. It has been a common topic of conversation at the baby groups I attend. But demand for the Bexsero vaccine has been so high that some private clinics have been importing it from abroad and charging clients £750 per child, according to Dr Kassianos.
“When there is a shortage the prices rocket. So some clinics have been getting it from abroad but it is a global shortage and this is depriving people from abroad,” he says.
The NHS vaccination programme has not been affected by the shortage but pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline issued a statement asking private clinics not to start new courses of the vaccine for the time being, with the hope that supplies would improve by the summer.
This leaves my husband and me several months to decide whether to have Byron vaccinated privately. The emotional part of me feels that no cost is too much, but the rational me thinks the issue has become a political rather than a scientific one, and my son is at greater risk of being knocked down by a car or contracting a different life-threatening illness.
Many of the emotive conversations I’ve been having with mothers have been based on feeling rather than fact, so it was refreshing to get sound advice from my friend, bioscience journalist Emma Wilkinson. Emma is mother to five-year-old Lucy, two-year-old Sam and four-month-old Henry - the only one to receive the meningitis B jab.
“It doesn’t bother me that the youngest has had it and the others haven’t as it is always the case that when a new vaccine is introduced, high risk groups are identified for both cost and logistical reasons,” she said. “Whooping cough vaccination in pregnancy and rotavirus vaccine were both introduced between my first and second child and my eldest was eligible for flu vaccination this year but my two-year-old missed out by one month.”
And despite their calls for the government to extend the Bexsero vaccine to all under fives, charity Meningitis Now is also urging parents not to panic as a result of the recent high profiles cases. CEO Sue Davie said the disease remains comparatively rare in the UK and “children are no more at risk of contracting meningitis today than they were a few weeks ago.”
The mere thought of my sons contracting a potentially fatal illness makes me feel nauseous but so does the thought of them drowning, being abducted or a thousand other possibilities that cross a parent’s mind on a regular basis. I will spend money for private swimming lessons but I am not going to hire a private bodyguard to follow them around. As parents we all have different attitudes towards risk but that does not mean we care any more or any less for our children.
For me and my husband this has to be a rational decision made together, rather than a knee-jerk emotional one. We are still deliberating while the vaccine is unavailable but for now we are satisfied that our most at-risk child has been vaccinated.