How to deal with the trauma of miscarriage

Psychotherapist Julia Bueno, who specialises in working with women who have lost a baby, has suffered four miscarriages herself
Psychotherapist Julia Bueno, who specialises in working with women who have lost a baby, has suffered four miscarriages herself Credit: Heathcliff O'Malley

This article was originally published in May 2019. We are republishing it today after the Duchess of Sussex revealed her traumatic experience of miscarriage earlier this year


“A small and invisible bomb” going off in your world – that’s how one of Julia Bueno’s clients described her miscarriage. For anyone who has been through the pain of losing a baby, that utter devastation will be all too familiar - as will the sense of total isolation. For despite an estimated one in four pregnancies ending in miscarriage, it’s still a largely unspoken event. 

“My work means I see many people who’ve lost a baby and they all have a story to tell. We need to create a climate where that’s okay,” says Bueno, 47. A psychotherapist who specialises in working with women who have lost a baby or are struggling to get pregnant - and who has herself has suffered four miscarriages - she has written a book, The Brink Of Being, aiming to change the way we talk about baby loss.  

“When I first spoke to my publishers I hoped that just holding the book in a crowded tube carriage or on the bus would be a good thing on its own. There are so many lonely and isolated people out there, it would be like a kindred spirit.”

The Brink of Being begins with the agonising details of how Bueno lost her twin daughters, Matilda and Florence, in the 22nd week of pregnancy. Her raw description of struggling to navigate her grief in a world that did not understand is hard to read and, she says, “hellish” to write about.

“I was asked recently whether I found writing about my miscarriages therapeutic. No, I didn’t but then my intent was to educate and inspire thought. As with any grief, it doesn’t go away and writing about it doesn’t soothe it. Nothing can.”

I still find my own experience of losing a baby, although much earlier in my pregnancy at nearly nine weeks, deeply upsetting. Like many in this club, I felt unable to tell anyone, and pretended everything was fine when in reality I was reeling, all my hopes and dreams for my unborn child gone in an instant. 

Bueno’s book, which covers everything from the effects of miscarriage on friends and family through to how to remember a baby who has been lost, is part of a new shift towards more openness.

The One Show host Alex Jones revealed in The Telegraph how she went on air an hour after a scan revealed her baby had died. People are also increasingly sharing their experience of miscarriage in blogs and on social media: Dr Jessica Zucker’s Instagram account @ihadamiscarriage has over 35,000 followers and encourages women to talk about how baby loss has affected them. 

Meanwhile, one of the most talked about scenes in Fleabag saw the lead character’s sister, Claire, miscarry alone in a restaurant toilet before going back to join a family meal. 

“I’m a huge Fleabag fan and I really welcome the fact it was included,” says Bueno, who lives in London and has two sons aged 16 and nine with husband David, an author. “Miscarriage doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t just happen when you’re at home in the bathroom, it happens without warning at any time. I had one miscarriage moments before I walked into a consulting room and I had to sit through 50 minutes with a client, all the while knowing what was going on in my body. Of course Claire cracked on - we switch into survival mode. 

Series 2 of the BBC's Fleabag saw the lead character’s sister, Claire, miscarry alone in a restaurant toilet before returning to a family meal
Series 2 of BBC series Fleabag saw the lead character’s sister, Claire, miscarry alone in a restaurant toilet before returning to a family meal Credit: Luke Varley/4

“It’s extremely normal for a miscarriage to hit days, weeks, months and years after. There are no rules for this.”

Even if we are talking about miscarriage more, friends and family still struggle to know what to say when it happens. “I really want to inspire people to think about what comes before the conversation. Examine how you feel about miscarriage and why you might be cautious about approaching the subject – maybe you don’t want to upset your bereaved friend. Or perhaps you’re pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant and don’t want to go there in your mind. Reflect on your own thinking and then you’ll be much better equipped to talk.”

She believes there is a deep-rooted misunderstanding about the emotional pain of losing a baby. While everyone’s experience will be different, Bueno writes: “Miscarriage remains at the bottom of the pecking order of other griefs.” 

Comments like, “at least it was early” and “it just wasn’t meant to be” will be familiar to those who have endured it. So ‘enfranchising’ the grief of miscarriage is vital in making sure the loss of a baby is given the rights it deserves. “When you long for a baby, as soon as you find out you’re pregnant the whole inner landscape changes and you’re thinking about life as a family. It might only be present for two or three weeks but that’s a really long time when you’re so consumed by something. It’s powerful bonding.”

Campaigns like Baby Loss Awareness Week are helping normalise miscarriage while the Miscarriage Association have just launched miscarriage cards. “Anything that is enfranchising and equalling a loss can only be a good thing. We’ve got cards for everything now, so it’s a really positive move.”

'Miscarriage remains at the bottom of the pecking order of other griefs'
'Miscarriage remains at the bottom of the pecking order of other griefs' Credit:  Heathcliff O'Malley

For Julia, it’s a process that starts at home. “My husband has read parts of the book and I’ve spoken to my sons about it. I have the twins’ footprints by the kitchen table and have always talked about all my miscarriages. I hope to have modelled for them what I hope to model to the world: if someone is upset it’s the power of acknowledgement. Saying something is better than saying nothing.”

Such recognition is also needed in the workplace. The New Zealand government is considering passing a law to give women and their partners three days ‘miscarriage leave’ which would cover a miscarriage at any stage of pregnancy. In the UK, it’s up to women to ask their employer for compassionate leave, annual leave or unpaid leave.

“If we can educate HR departments then that compassion will become automatic,” says Bueno. “In one day I’ll hear about a fantastic boss who gave three weeks compassionate leave and then another who said they could take a few days off only to constantly email them about work.”

She also hopes to see changes in the language used by the medical profession. “This is a big issue among my clients. In times of vulnerability and grief, words matter hugely. It’s really reductive to be told by a medical professional that the ‘foetus is expelling’. I’ve spoken to many women about this and it stings forever.”

There are also smaller things we can all do to help make miscarriage more bearable for those affected. “I can still remember some fantastically clumsy things said to me, but said with such love and a desire to soothe that it didn’t matter,” says Bueno. “Just have a go and open up a conversation. Most people I talk to want to tell their story and more often than not it begins at the very beginning. They’ll start with, ‘We were trying for a year’, or ‘I was so excited I did 10 pregnancy tests.’ Wouldn’t it be wonderful if someone sat there and listened to all of that - the whole narrative of this little life.” 

The Brink of Being by Julia Bueno published by Little, Brown Book Group RRP £18.99. Buy now for £16.99 at or call 0844 871 1514

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