In Britain, most abortions take place before 13 weeks of pregnancy, often with the help of pills. It is legal for women to be given the pills, with the consent of two doctors, but women in England must take them inside the clinic. She cannot take them in the privacy of her own home, or she - and a doctor who helped her do this - could end up in prison for life.
This is due to an obscure Victorian law that MPs first challenged in 2017. In a 10-minute-rule bill introduced by Diana Johnson in the House of Commons in March 2017, women could be able to take abortion pills bought online at home, without fear of prosecution.
Already, the law has become more lenient in Scotland and Wales, as both countries allow women to take the second part of the abortion pill in the comfort of their own homes.
The Abortion Bill (which would allow women in England to take their pills at home) passed its first reading by 208 votes to 123. The second reading of the Bill has not yet been scheduled, but there is a lengthy process ahead before it reaches the House of Lords and can subsequently become official law.
To keep you up to date with the evolution of these rules, we have summed up the most important information about abortion pills.
What is the abortion pill?
The abortion pill is taken to end a pregnancy. It is made up of two parts. The first is mifepristone, which works by blocking the hormone progesterone. Without it, the uterus lining breaks down and the pregnant cannot continue.
Women must then take another pill called misoprostol which is put into the vagina and makes the womb contract. It causes cramping and bleeding similar to a miscarriage, and normally begins two hours after the tablet is inserted. This bleeding can last for up to two weeks.
At what stage in pregnancy can you take it?
The abortion pill is typically used for early medical abortions (up to nine weeks of pregnancy).
But - depending on your doctor's advice - it can also be used for late medical abortion (from nine to 20 weeks of pregnancy). In this case, the process can take longer, as the woman may need to wait between taking the two pills.
It is also possible to use it for late abortion (20-24 weeks), which requires an overnight stay in hospital. It may also involve ‘feticide’ - where an injection is administered into the foetus to stop the heartbeat, before the abortion takes place. The pills are also taken and contractions can last six to 12 hours.
Women can also have surgical abortions, using one of two methods. Firstly, there are suction terminations, which typically take place from seven to 15 weeks of pregnancy. During this procedure, the patient takes a tablet to soften and dilate her cervix so a suction tube can be used to remove the foetus. This typically takes between 5 and 10 minutes, and patients usually go home a few hours later.
Alternatively, women may opt for the Dilation & Evacuation (D&E) procedure, which can take place after 15 weeks of pregnancy. This involves gently dilating the cervix for a few hours before inserting special instruments called forceps into the cervix and removing the foetus. This usually takes between 10 and 20 minutes, so patients might be able to return home on the same day.
Where can you get the abortion pill?
In England, Scotland and Wales, women can access abortions through NHS services and clinics. They can speak to their GP or a contraception clinic and be referred to an abortion service. Alternatively, they can contact an abortion provider directly - whether that be the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS), Marie Stopes UK or the National Unplanned Pregnancy Advisory Service (NUPAS).
In Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, women have limited access to abortions, which must be carried out in a hospital or a specialist licensed clinic. It means many women travel to parts of the UK where it is more easily accessible, or use sites such as Women on Web - a Netherlands-based website that sells mifepristone and misoprostol - to buy pills.
How much does it cost?
The abortion pill is free on the NHS. But if obtained in a private clinic, it can be more expensive. Marie Stopes charges £560 for an abortion using the abortion pill, and between £580-£1,750 for surgical abortions. BPAS charges £480 for the abortion pill, and prices go up to £1,510 for late abortions. But the clinic offers discount rates for Irish women, and both organisations accept NHS payments.
Online, the pills can cost as little as £50 and in some cases, websites ask women to donate between 70 to 90 euros.
Why can’t you take it at home?
In some areas of the UK, including Scotland and Wales, the second dose of the abortion pill is administered on an outpatient basis, so the abortion can be managed at home. It means that when the contractions start, women can bleed in familiar surroundings.
But this is not the case everywhere, and many clinics and hospitals are bound by law to require women to take both pills on site. It means that women sometimes have to rush home to avoid the contractions and cramps beginning in public.
How long does the process last?
This depends on how far into pregnancy a woman is. If she has an early medical abortion, she can be given both pills at once. The cramps and bleeding will then start that day and usually last a few hours. Most women pass the pregnancy within four or five hours after taking misoprostol.
If a woman is more than nine weeks pregnant, she will typically take the misoprostol between one and three days later. When she takes it, she should pass the pregnancy within around six hours.
If a woman has a late medically induced abortion, contractions can last up to 12 hours and she will need to stay in hospital overnight.