Property developers must be banned from charging extortionate ‘fleecehold’ fees, say Tory MPs
End to new homeowners being saddled with exorbitant costs for regular council services is backed by group of 46 Conservatives

End to new homeowners being saddled with exorbitant costs for regular council services is backed by group of 46 Conservatives
Leader of the Commons wrote to The Telegraph to say she was fundraising and not boosting her own leadership credentials as some believe
Just 24 per cent of respondents say they plan to vote Tory, compared to 44 per cent saying they back Labour
Some Tories are against measure being included in party’s manifesto, wanting money to be spent on other priorities
Forty-five per cent of Conservative voters agree PM should be leader for election, with 37pc wanting someone else, poll shows
Labour shadow chancellor vows economic take-off similar to Thatcher years with growth-led policies
MP has been at centre of recent speculation over Tory leadership
Tory rebels reportedly considering a plot to oust PM, with meetings taking place to discuss lining up Commons Leader as successor
Hopes of Rwanda flights starting and inflation falling over summer are among the factors in the Government’s political calculation
Support for Commons leader comes as Conservatives continue to struggle in the polls
Comments in interview will be taken as strongest sign yet that PM will go to the polls later in the year
Ministers reveal plans for a Bill amendment that will prevent other countries controlling or influencing a British news organisation
Law could be changed by the end of the decade if Labour wins general election
Majority of poll respondents say platforms should remain in British hands as UAE-backed takeover of The Telegraph hangs in the balance
Pair said to have barely spoken to each other in year, raising doubts the former PM could return to campaign trail
UK to build extra energy infrastructure despite PM’s earlier pledge to phase out fossil fuels to achieve net zero target