Property developers must be banned from charging extortionate ‘fleecehold’ fees, say Tory MPs
End to new homeowners being saddled with exorbitant costs for regular council services is backed by group of 46 Conservatives

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End to new homeowners being saddled with exorbitant costs for regular council services is backed by group of 46 Conservatives
Our weekly Peterborough diary column - published every Friday at 7pm - reveals what's really going on in Westminster
The Telegraph’s weekly Peterborough diary column offers an unparalleled insight into what’s really going on at Westminster and beyond
Just 24 per cent of respondents say they plan to vote Tory, compared to 44 per cent saying they back Labour
Keir Starmer drops ambition to secure major overhaul in its 2025 review for more ‘realistic’ approach as Brussels says it won’t reopen pact
Peers pass amendment to prevent foreign state control of UK newspapers and periodical news magazines
He returned to Holyrood for first time on Tuesday since quitting as health secretary over charging the taxpayer for an £11,000 roaming bill
Ministers accused of not being ‘fully honest’ with MPs about the extent of the Beijing-backed operation
Some Tories are against measure being included in party’s manifesto, wanting money to be spent on other priorities
The Prime Minister has hinted at an autumn poll. The Telegraph examines his options